Welcome from Joseph Lam

A Special Message from Joseph Lam, Founder of WCF-HK

Dear Friend of Children in Need,
I personally want to say thank you for your interest in the needy children to whom I have dedicated my life: the abandoned…the abused…distressed…exploited…hungry…sick…suffering…and those whose very lives are threatened!

I invite you to consider joining with us in fulfilling our visiona vision for the children of the world. I dream of a world where:

It is a dream that I cannot accomplish alone. No one can. But it is a dream that I believe we can achieve if we sacrifice and work together.

Did you know that one third of all children less than five years old in the developing world are starving?
…that 2 million children die needlessly every year from diseases that were conquered in the West long ago?
…that 250 million children are being exploited by child labor, commercial sexual abuse and street criminals?
…that 130 million children are denied school and the ability to read and write – mostly girls?
…that millions of orphans are still locked away in institutions or wandering the streets?
…that more than 2 million children died as child soldiers in the last decade, and millions more are being starved and traumatized now through genocide and civil strife?
At World Children's Fund-HK, we believe every child has the right to live a life of hope and promise. I ask you to help us change these tragic numbers. I believe we can do it, and we are doing it…but only as we work together. That’s what my life is all about…and what World Children's Fund-HK is all about.
So let me just say thank you in advance for what you are going to do to help me and World Children’s Fund-HK save suffering children and their families.
Sincerely for the suffering children,
Joseph Lam